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Saturday, August 7, 2010


So I'm back from vacationing in Monterrey and into the (almost) triple digit heat. :(

As we were driving into Fresno yesterday we got off the 99 at Shaw Ave. when my dad realized the car was overheating really badly. So he immediately shut off the ac, rolled down the windows, and cranked up the heater. (apparently the heater can help the engine to cool off somehow) To put this into perspective, we had been driving for a loong time with fairly heavy traffic (read: s.l.o.w.) and when we had our picnic by the coast we were cold and wearing coats. Then, we slowly drove into the dry valley heat and then bam! We hit really bad traffic, heat, and had to quickly usher in that heat with rolled down windows and a cranked up heater! Ah! That was an experience :) Luckily, we only started overheating once we got into town and not earlier, but Rachel and I were glad we weren't driving the 2 more hours to Bakersfield with our family :)

We had a fun time in Monterrey and I think my first time as the 'event planner' for our trip was a success :)

We did many fun things (probably post on that later) and now that we're back in the dry, dry heat of Fresno, we're just glad to stay inside in the ac.

We don't really have that much food in the fridge, just random stuff like super old hot dog buns, basil, limes, and leftovers from last night. Needless to say, I had a microwaved poached egg & toast for breakfast. (I have been super into toast lately!) I think I just might have those leftovers from Little Peking: orange chicken, steamed rice, one egg roll, & one fried shrimp. yummm!!! I'm not usually into egg rolls (& I try not to eat fried foods too often), but I'm hoping they will be good!

I'm so sad that I left my Newman's Own Pesto & Tomato Sauce from Grocery Outlet in the car :( I can just imagine eating a pasta dish with this sauce on top & then sopping up the extra sauce with Artisan rolls from Fresh & Easy (ohmagoodness. simply uhmazing!). Maybe paired with a salad of romaine, homegrown tomatoes, carrots, sunflower seeds, raisins, hard boiled eggs, and Newman's Own Olive Oil & Vinegar Dressing on top?
Wow. I just made my mouth water a ton :)   I still haven't had lunch okay? :)
Now some people may say that's a lot of processed flour, but I don't care for whole grain wheat pasta unless it's mixed with other things. And the rolls .are.a.mUst. with that type of delicioso sauce! Now that I think about it, a whole grain wheat pasta might actually be good with that sauce. And a few shavings of a salty parmesan on top of course!
Now that I'm so excited about this, I think I might actually make this when a friend comes to town tomorrow!

Also, while sitting in my pleasant ac-regulated apartment,  I discovered a few fun blogs last week that might be fun to check out.
{Eat, Live, Run}  has yummy looking recipes and fun stories of a California newbie &
{Ashley Ann Photography}'s blog has fun DIY posts and other fun things (design, family, food)
also, as I was catching up on designmom's blog, I found some other fun things like:
{Kelly's Cakery} where you can make virtual cakes & banana splits to raise money for ovarian cancer research
{White on Rice Couple} has a fantastic blog where you can find great posts on food and fantastic pictures
{Oh How She Glows} is an interesting blog of a girl who detoxed and started to eat healthier & has interesting recipes (a little too -natural-foods-intense for me though)
I really miss reading Pioneer Woman & deisgnmom, but I have to really limit my time on them bc they're so comprehensive!
{The Story of Us} is always a fun little peek into a super cute girl's life of friends, family, and designy fun!

Okay, I think that's enough for now :)

Oh, my sister mentioned to me yesterday (after we scored some fun -& super current- free magazines @ the Monterrey Library) that she almost bought me a magazine last week about flea market finds. I would simply LOVE it! But like she pointed out, 8 bucks is a lot for a magazine! Such a nice thought Kelly :)

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