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Hi. You found me. Thanks for clicking over! Sit and stay awhile..... This is the view from my window... As I move around my little valley I call 'home,' I've had many different views & this is the one that I keep coming back to.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Simple Things

It's the simple things in life that make me tick.

Being called 'Gwace' by cute little 3 year-olds.
Learning how to throw a football from the coolest little boy.
Smelling like a baby after having held one for a few hours.
Seeing it as a treat to make a funny noise while washing your hands.
Having everything you say repeated in two cute and low little voices.
Smelling a brewing storm in the air.
Having my hair blown around in the wind.
Watching for puddles on the ground.
People watching from a bench. or from my window.
Blasting whatever music you feel like in the moment in your car.
Eating parmesan pretzels.
Seeing little kids with big bellies.
Smelling fragrant flowers that remind you of home.
Getting to class on time.
Binge-reading. Reading for FUN!
Playing that amazing chord progression or phrase in a song, over and over again.
Watching the best parts from your favorite movie.
Eating just about anything super chocolatey.
Getting paid for doing nothing.
Dreaming of home decorating.
Shopping with friends.
Dashing from place to place in the rain.
Exercising and pushing your body hard after a stressful day.
Seeing old, familiar faces in unexpected places.
Waking up with a smile on your face.
Taking naps.
Knowing that you truly earned that good grade.
Reading about other peoples' lives.
Taking pictures on amazing beautiful days.
Having joy.
Realizing I am not in control. and life is perfect that way!
Dreaming and praying about the future.
Being spontaneous with friends.
Making a fool of myself. And being loved for it.
Knowing the thrill of communicating in another language.
Helping out an unsuspecting person.
Wearing that outfit that always makes you feel hott/comfy/cozy/amazing.
Being complimented on days you didn't 'try.'
Eating childhood favorite recipes.
Spontaneously making yummy desserts.
Getting green lights.
Being introspective.
Feeling cozy, relaxed, and not being busy.
Crossing things off the 'to do' list.
Meeting randomly cool new people.
Seeing a cute person.
Being checked out by said person.
Giving and getting hugs.
Celebrating birthdays.
Reading the Bible.
Being challenged by God, friends, life.
Realizing who I am at my core: an introverted, placator. Always apologizing, giving people too many excuses, not realizing my own needs. I'm sorry.
Seeing guys act like little boys.
Reading favorite books over and over again.
Having windows blow in fresh air and sweet breezes.
Taking pictures with friends.
Acting goofy with kids.
Spending time with cousins.
Having honest conversations with friends and strangers.
Being blessed with cool roommates.
Getting the gift of a full gas tank.
Going on adventures with friends.
Driving with the windows down at night in the mountains.
Taking naps in hammocks.
Lazy Sunday afternoons.
Sleeping in. And not needing an alarm!
Being captivated by beautiful skies. sunsets. clouds.
Living in California.
Being blessed to live in the USA.
Having enlightening teachers.
Having mentors and accountability partners.
Doing satisfying work.
Working hard until you're physically exhausted.
Using power tools.
Impressing your parents.
Heck, impressing anyone!
Surprising yourself.
Being outspoken on important things.
Finding cool photographers.
Getting House Beautiful in the mail.
Watching cheesy, silly movies.
Drinking tea.
Drinking chocolate soy milk.
Eating summer fruits.
Watching leaves fall.
Watching little kids play like there's no tomorrow.
Having summer vacation.
Learning about people.
Being involved in my community.
Being surprised with the 'magic number' at the atm.
Hanging out with positive and uplifting friends.
Knowing for once that you didn't procrastinate.
Creating with my hands.
Having memories connected to smells, songs, and colors.
Seeing glimpses of God.
Traveling outside my comfort zone.
Having people remember my name.
Knowing someone well enough to finish their thoughts or not needing to use words to have conversations.
Having predictable friends.
Cutting my hair short every spring!
Dreaming about 'what I want to be when I grow up.'
Forgetting to tell people I have a twin.
Outsmarting a kid.
Taking relaxing showers.
Walking around barefoot.
Painting my nails.
Wearing jewelry.
Falling asleep while watching a movie.
Eating cereal.
Being intrigued by crime shows.
Looking at old pictures.
Going to concerts.
Curling my hair.
Having meaningful conversations, and heart-to-hearts.
Realizing and thanking God for all his blessings.

Living life.

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