It is enjoyment in an ultimate victory that can be expressed
only in the high language of poetry, not the low language
of fact. What can we prove about Christ's coming in glory?
Nothing. It is far beyond the language of limited proof. Indeed,
our entire faith rests on a joyous acceptanceof the factually
impossible. When we celebrate Christmas we are celebrating
that amazing time when the Word that shouted all the galaxies
into being, limited all power, and for love of us came to us
in the powerless body of a human baby. My faith is based on
this incredible act of love, and if my faith is real it will be ex-
pressed in how I live my life, but it is outside the realm of lab-
oratory or scientific proof. God--the holy and magnificent
Creator of all the galaxies and solar systems and planets and
oceans and forests and living creatures--came to live with us,
not because we are good and morally virtuous and what
God's creation ought to be, but precisely for the opposite rea-
son, because we are stiff-necked and arrogant and sinful and
stupid. We have indeed strayed from God's ways like lost sheep.
God still loves us so much that Christ, the second person of
the Trinity, the Word, came to live with us as one of us,
and all for love.
December 27 (p 333-334) of Madeleine L'Engle's Glimpses of Grace
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